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Comparison: Artiste vs MAC Brush Cleaner

General Information

Mac Brush Cleanser 
Price: $20
Weight: 235 mL 
Where to buy: Myer, David Jones, MAC stores and their website

Artiste Brush Cleaner
Price: $14.95
Weight: 100 mL
Where to buy: Priceline


Both brush cleansers come in a plastic bottle with screw top lid, the Artiste cleanser however has a spray top making easier to use. The MAC brush cleanser on the other hand has a cap similar to those on shampoo bottles. Meaning you'll need either cup, bowl or the sink to be able to clean your brushes.

Whereas with the Artiste cleanser you can just spray it directly onto your brushes. So I just transferred my MAC cleanser into a spray bottle to make it user friendly. 


The Artiste brush cleanser has a very very strong perfumed alcohol smell. Which makes sense because the ingredients are made up of alcohol and perfume (I would describe it as quite sweet). For me personally I have no issues with it but for those who are sensitive to smells it may be an issue. 

On the other hand the MAC cleanser gives off very little scent if any. 


I use both cleansers to spot clean my brushes to avoid colours from mixing and both do a very good job at getting my brushes clean. How I like to use it is by spraying the cleanser directly onto the brush with a paper towel underneath then wipe the brush on the towel in a circular motion. 

The most obvious difference I discovered was the drying time. The MAC cleanser takes about 2-5 minutes (depending on the brush size) to dry whereas the Artiste takes about 30 seconds to a minutes and a half. Which I would assume is due to the high content of alcohol.  


I like both but I think in terms of convenience and the drying time I prefer the Artiste but depending on what you prefer both options do a very similar job in cleaning your brushes.  

If you have any brush cleansers you prefer let us know.


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